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Amendments on the Customs Law

Amendments on the Customs Law

With the Presidential Decision No. 5303 (In Turkish) published in the Official Gazette dated 15.03.2022 and numbered 31779, amendments were made to the Customs Law. With the amendments;

Along with the changes, tax rates have been adjusted for online shopping,

  • For non-commercial purchases under 150 Euros and drugs purchases that under 1.500 Euros made by natural persons;
    • 18% if the goods come from the European Union,
    • If the purchased goods comes from other countries (such as India, China etc.), it will be subject to 30% tax rate.
  • Legal entities will also be subject to the same tax rates for purchases under 22 Euros.
  • Items that are more than gifts brought by international passengers on their return will also be subject to the same tax rate.
  • In addition, the applicable tax rate will be 0% for books or similar printed publications for individual use, the value of which does not exceed 1.500 Euro.

The Decision will enter into force as of 01.05.2022.

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Turkish Commercial Code

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    Contents provided in this article serve to informative purpose only. The article is confidential and property of CottGroup® and all of its affiliated legal entities. Quoting any of the contents without credit being given to the source is strictly prohibited. Regardless of having all the precautions and importance put in the preparation of this article, CottGroup® and its member companies cannot be held liable of the application or interpretation of the information provided. It is strictly advised to consult a professional for the application of the above-mentioned subject.

    For each concrete situation, it is strongly advised to seek guidance from a professional advisor. If you are a customer of ours, please consult with your customer representative before taking any action related to the announcement. If you are not a customer, seek advice from an expert.

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