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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Five Points of Social Security Premium Discount for The Corporations under Temporary Article 20 of Law No: 506

Per the circular no: 2020/01 dated as 27.01.2020;

The five points discount on Social Security premiums would not be applicable for the corporations within the scope of Social Security Law no: 506, temporary Article 20 (e.g. banks, insurance and reassurance companies, etc).

These corporations can benefit from the incentives which are within the scope of Law no: 4447, Article 10 and Law no: 4857, Article 30.

The points on that regulation will be applicable as of 01.02.2019

Please find that published announcement dated 27.01.2020 on the link below for detailed info (Published in Turkish)

Click to view the circular.

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


Tax Procedure Law Circular Regarding the Password to be Used for Withholding and Premium Service Declaration Has Been Published

Within the scope of 122 numbered circular dated 13.01.2020, as per the authorizations granted by 257th article of Tax Procedural Law numbered 213, and by the 100th article of the Law on Social Insurances and General Health Insurance dated 31.05.2006 and numbered 5510; during the preparation and submission of the Withholding and Premium Service Declaration of the taxpayers / employers, who can submit declarations by themselves in electronic environment, in accordance with the Law numbered 5510 it has been decided to provide user code and password separately from the existing e-declaration password in order for them to submit tax deductions made over wage payments only along with the tax base, the sum of the insurance premiums and earnings of the insured, occupational names, codes and the number of premium payment days with 1003B coded Withholding and Premium Service Declaration.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Online Complaint Module Has Been Put Into Service for Data Subjects

Pursuant to the following provision of the Article 15 of the Law "The Board shall carry out the necessary examination on the matters falling within its task upon complaint or ex officio where it has learnt about the alleged infringement.", complaints reported to the Authority are reviewed by the Board.

Complaints were used to be reported to the Authority via paper mail; as per the announcement of the Board dated 09.01.2020, the complaints can now be reported electronically via online module.

The data subject will be able to report complaint in person via complaint module by logging into the e-government system and the complaints to be reported through the attorney will continue as it is.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Personal Data Protection Law


Motor Vehicle Tax Payment for 2020 1st Period

Vehicle owners are obliged to pay Motor Vehicle Tax (MTV) twice a year. In additional to land vehicles, airplanes, helicopter and motor vessel are subject to this taxation.

The payment term of the 1st installment for Motor Vehicle Tax is between 01/01/2020-31/01/2020 The tax calculation is accrued automatically according to your vehicle type.

We kindly remind you the importance of paying this tax for vehicle(s) registered to your name or your company.

Payments can be deposited from the banks which have an agreement with the authorities.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law

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