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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Changes in Value Added Tax ("VAT") Rates

With the Presidential Decision dated 02.01.2020 and numbered 1994, as of 02.01.2020, it was decided to make changes in the VAT rates of certain products.

Within the scope of the regulations, amendments are as below;

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Authorized Banks That Can Be Used For Tax Payments

Revenue Administration announced the list of authorized bank names that can be used for tax payments as of 2020. The list also includes the tax payment method applicable for the related banks on the list.

Per that announcement; The debit and credit cards of Turkish and Foreign Banks can be used for the tax payments that are collected by the tax offices.

You can find the list on the below link of Revenue Administration (in Turkish)

Revenue Administration (in Turkish)

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


New SSI Missing Day Reason for Part-Time Foreign Employees

Per the letter announced on 18.03.2019; The issues regulated by SSI regarding missing day documents of foreign nationals, as follows:

Art. 102(13) of the Social Security Transactions Regulation drafts missing days documents, including:

  • Report that shows sick leave taken from authorized health institutions or company doctors,
  • Documents regarding custody and detention,
  • Strike, lockout, events that affects life in general, letter sample that is from official authorities regarding the termination of activity or sustaining activity in workplace,

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


Obligation to Bring 80% of The Export Prices into The Country Has Been Cancelled

Within the scope of the “Communiqué (Communiqué no: 2019-32/56) On Amending the Communiqué (Regarding Export Prices) (Communiqué no: 2018-32/48) Regarding Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency Resolution numbered as 32”; which was published on the 5th Recurrent Official Gazette dated as 31.12.2019, the regulation that came into effect with former Communiqués regarding the obligation to bring export prices to Türkiye and to sell 80% to a bank has been cancelled.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law

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