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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Precautions for Work Life

Per the Covid-19 pandemic fact treated the whole world, Organizations started to take precautions to prevent further spread of the virus.

Based on that officials have announced many personal and social precaution methods as; personal hygiene rules, avoid from crowded environment and public transport if possible, avoid from close communications and stay at home after foreign travels for 14 days to be on the safe side. In addition to these ways, the employers consider some methods in parallel with the above to keep their work environment safe and health.

Due to the fact that huge volume of activities have stopped in some sectors due to the coronavirus pandemic and employers have started to implement flexible work or leave opportunities.

You can find the details of the legislative methods that can be chosen by the employers:

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


2019 Tax Declaration Deadline was Postponed to 30.04.2020

Covid-19 virus in Türkiye as well as all over the world, deeply affects human health, social and economic life. Due to the setbacks in working life and economy, declaration and payment periods of the annual income tax declarations, which must be declared until 31.03.2020, have been extended.

Ministry of Treasury and Finance annouced that the deadline for 2019 Annual Income Tax Declarations and first installment of tax payment which is 31 March 2020 was postponed to 30 April 2020.

Relevant circular in Turkish regarding the subject can be accessed from here.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


Employees Working in Teknopark and R&D Design Companies Will Be Able to Work from Home

Due to Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak, which is on the Global agenda, in accordance with the press statement given as per the joint decisions of the Ministries of Family Labor and Social Services, Treasury and Finance, and Industry and Technology; there have been temporary amendments on incentives implemented to Teknopark companies and R&D Design Centers that will enable their employees to work from home.

Within the scope of 4691 numbered Law on Technology Development Zones, and 5746 numbered Law on Supporting Activities of Research, Development and Design, and relevant regulations; in order for businesses operating in Technology Development Zones and R&D Design Centers to benefit from exemptions and incentives, it is mandatory to physically conduct their activities within these areas.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


2019 Tax Declaration for Salary Income

The salary income earned by the employees are declared to the tax office with the Annual Income Declaration under below circumstances.

You can find below the important points to consider with regards to the salary income taxed via stoppage;

  1. In case of taxpayers’, who receives income from more than one employer, total income received from the secondary employers exceeds the amount in the second income segment of the income tax tariff (40.000 TL for 2019), these salary incomes will be declared with annual declaration.
  2. In case of income is received from more than one employer, the employee can freely choose which income will be considered as primary.
  3. In case annual declaration is to be submitted, it is possible for expenses of education, health, donations and charities to be subject to deductions of the declared income.
  4. Taxes paid by stoppage can be deducted from income tax calculated over the declaration.

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Taxation Law

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