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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


February/20 and March/20 VAT Declaration and Payment Dates Are Extended until 28 April 2020

Due to the curfew declared for 31 provinces on 24/4/2020, the circular numbered VUK-129 / 2020-8 was published by the Revenue Administration of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, on 21.04.2020; as per the authorization granted by the articles of 17 and recurrent 28 of Tax Procedural Law.

Within the scope of the related circular; VAT declarations of 2020/February, which were required to be submitted until 24 April 2020, and of 2020/March, which were required to be submitted until 27 April 2020 (including 2020/January-February-March period of the taxpayers whose taxation is on a quarterly basis); submission periods of Value Added Tax Declarations and their payments have been extended until the end of 28 April 2020.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Corporate Tax Declaration and E-Ledger Uploads Are Extended to 01 June 2020

With the circular dated 17.04.2020 and numbered VUK-127 / 2020-6, The Ministry of Treasury and Finance Revenue Administration has extended Corporate Tax declaration submission and payment dates, which were required to be submitted until the end of 30 April 2020, until the end of 01 June 2020.

With the extension of the Corporate Tax declarations to 01 June 2020, for the corporate taxpayers who are not included in the scope of force majeure stated in the General Communiqué of Tax Procedural Law No. 518, generation and signing period of E-Ledgers, which were required to be done until 30 April 2020, and uploading period of "Electronic Ledger Statements" to the Revenue Administration Data Processing System have been postponed until the end of 01 June 2020, Monday.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


The Monthly Social Security Premium Service Declaration of March 2020 Has Been Extended Until 27.4.2020

Due to the announced curfew which will be applicable on 24.04.2020 for 31 cities; the monthly social security premium service declaration of March 2020 has been extended until 27.4.2020 all over Türkiye.

The announcement published by SGK is as follows:

"As it is known, the legal submission period of the monthly premium and service document to be issued for 2020 / March expires on Friday 24/4/2020 (the official holiday of 23/4/2020).

However, on 20/4/2020, our President Mr. Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN announced that the curfew restrictions will be applied in 31 provinces from 00:00 on 23/04/2020 until 00:00 on 26/04/2020 and on Friday 24/4/2020. Also due to the restrictions take to the streets and in order to avoid victimization of workplaces, the submission period of the monthly premium service declaration of March 2020 is extended to 27.04.2020 until 23:29 on all over Türkiye 2020.

Author Erdoğdu Onur Erol, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


Regulations on Covid-19 and Some Laws Within the Scope of Omnibus Law No. 7244

Law on the Amendment of Some Laws with the Law on Reducing the Effects of New Coronavirus (Covid-19) Epidemic on Economic and Social Life, which includes articles on reducing the effects of Covid-19 epidemic to economic and social life and amendments to be made in some laws have entered into force, having been published in the Official Gazette dated 17.04.2020 and numbered 31102.

Law No. 7244 includes postponing, not taking or restructuring receivables, extending certain periods regulated by law, innovations brought to business life by the Labour Law and other related regulations and many more.

You can find the regulations in the law below:

ARTICLE 1 - Postponement, not taking or restructuring of some receivables

Due to force major caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, it has been ensured that;

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Taxation Law, Code of Obligations, Labor Law, Turkish Commercial Code

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