The Resolution Related To Increase The Incomes of The Unemployment Insurance Fund
The Decision regarding the raising of the Rate to be used for purposes set out Subclause 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447 Incomes of Unemployment Insurance Fund
With subclause 7, clause 48 and Law No.4447 It has been stated that the Council of Ministers has the jurisdiction to have this rate raised to 50%, whereas the purpose of use has been determined for the 30% of the premium revenues accumulated in the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
The purpose of use of the Unemployment Insurance Fund, is to to increase employability of work force, to decrease the unemployement risk by enhancing the qualification of employees and to direct the laborforce, who are expected to become unemployed due to technological advancements to other areas, to take employment increasing precautions and to implement them, to procure for recruitment & placement and consultancy services, to to make research and planning studies regarding labor marker and to make the payments regarding the financial and social rights of the personnel, who are nominated for contracted personnel positions and among them, the ones that have been assigned as the Instution staff and continue working therein.
The premium revenues accumulated in the Unemployment Insurance Fund has been raised from 30% to 50% for the years 2015 and 2016 according to 2015/8112 numbered Cabinet Decree.
Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Labor Law
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