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The Amendment on the 2016/21 Numbered SSI Circular

The Amendment on the 2016/21 Numbered SSI Circular

According to the SSI Circular No. 2019/12 and dated 21.05.2019, “6.2. Provision of Temporary Disability Allowance Paid to the Insured to Deduct Employer's Premium Debts” paragraph 1 of titled section, “6.7.3. Other Issues with Notification Entry Related to Not Working” paragraph 11 of titled section, “6.8.1. Procedures and Principles Regarding the Issue of Disability Certificate and Workable Certificates” paragraph 3 of this section has been amended.

6.2. Provision of Temporary Disability Allowance Paid to the Insured to Deduct Employer's Premium Debts

In order to initiate the offsetting process with the employer who signed the protocol, between the employer and the relevant SSI Authority, After the mutual signing of the Offsetting Protocol (Annex-9) in the annex of the circular, the social security provincial directorate / social security center will make the offsetting identification process from MOSIP application. Details of the Offsetting Protocol can be found in the e-Allowance User Guide.

6.7.3. Other Issues with Entry Notifications Related to Not Working

Other Matters Related to Notification Entry related to Not Working “On the other hand, the reports issued in electronic environment must be approved as soon as possible by the chief health care provider in order to be paid immediately." and paragraphs 14 and 16 are omitted from the text.

6.8.1. Procedures and Principles Regarding the Issue of Disability Certificate and Workable Certificates

6.8.1 “Procedures and Principles Regarding the Issue of Disability Certificate and Workable Certificate” titled 3rd paragraph omitted from the text and before the “Approval” in paragraphs 4 “Approval of the Chief Physician section and the Certificate of Invalidity” statements were omitted from the text.

You can reach the Turkish SSI Circular No. 2019/12 from here , which includes the related examples.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation

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About The Author

Selma Kıy

Certified Public Accountant - SMMM

Other Legislation