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Presidential Circular on the Prevention of Psychological Harassment (Mobbing) in Workplaces Published

Presidential Circular on the Prevention of Psychological Harassment (Mobbing) in Workplaces Published

On March 6, 2025, the Presidential Circular No. 2025/3 was published in the Official Gazette No. 32833, introducing regulations aimed at preventing psychological harassment (mobbing) in workplaces.

Psychological harassment is defined as the deliberate and systematic humiliation, belittlement, exclusion, damage to dignity and reputation, mistreatment, and intimidation of employees over a certain period.

Employees subjected to psychological harassment in workplaces can submit their complaints to the following official authorities:

  • Presidency Communication Center (CİMER)
  • Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) Petition Commission
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Security
  • Labor and Social Security Communication Center (ALO 170)
  • Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (TİHEK)
  • Their respective workplace or institution as specified in relevant legislation

The circular outlines the measures and regulations introduced to protect employees from psychological harassment and combat mobbing effectively.

  1. A Psychological Harassment Prevention Board within the Ministry of Labor and Social Security has been restructured to support national policies, coordinate training and awareness activities, conduct research, and issue reports and guidance documents.
  2. Employers, managers, and all employees must avoid any actions or behaviors that could constitute psychological harassment, which would violate fundamental rights and freedoms.
  3. Employers and managers bear the primary responsibility for preventing psychological harassment in workplaces. They are required to assess and mitigate risks, implement preventive and protective policies, and ensure a safe work environment.
  4. Awareness-raising training and information programs on psychological harassment will be organized and expanded by relevant institutions. Employees will be informed about their rights and available complaint mechanisms.
  5. Investigations into psychological harassment claims will be conducted with confidentiality and respect for privacy to protect individuals involved. False allegations that could harm institutional reputation will be handled with caution, and cases will be processed swiftly.
  6. Collective labor agreements should include preventive and protective provisions regarding psychological harassment.
  7. The ALO 170 helpline will continue providing support through psychologists to employees experiencing psychological harassment.

Scope of the New Regulations

Psychological harassment in the workplace is a significant issue that lowers productivity, negatively impacts mental health, and damages corporate reputation.

The 2025/3 Presidential Circular refines the definition of psychological harassment and clarifies the obligations of employers and employees. It reinforces that employers are responsible for preventing all forms of psychological harassment and must establish mechanisms to identify and prevent such behavior.

Under Article 4 of Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety employers are obligated to ensure the health and safety of their employees. Since psychological harassment affects an employee’s physical and mental well-being, it should be considered within the framework of occupational health and safety regulations. Failure to investigate workplace harassment claims effectively may be seen as a violation of these responsibilities.

Preventive Measures in the Implementation Process

  • Conducting regular workplace training sessions to raise awareness about psychological harassment.
  • Establishing clear written policies and procedure on workplace harassment.
  • Creating a secure and independent complaint mechanism where employees can report concerns confidentially.
  • Reviewing employment contracts, HR policies, and internal regulations in light of the circular and fundamental labor law principles.


The 2025/3 Presidential Circular introduces significant regulations to prevent workplace mobbing. Awareness of rights and obligations among employers and employees is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment.

To ensure full compliance with legal obligations, we recommend implementing necessary workplace adjustments and efficiently managing the relevant processes.

Aligning workplace practices with these legal regulations will protect employees' mental health and strengthen corporate reputation.

You can reach the relevant Official Gazette via that link (In Turkish).

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.

Author Ümit Kır, Category Labor Law

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About The Author

Ümit Kır

Human Resources Regulation and Audit Director

Other Legislation

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