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Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Law and Certain Laws

Amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Law and Certain Laws

Law Amending the Unemployment Insurance Law and Certain Laws was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32449 on February 3, 2024.

The purpose of the Law is to make arrangements for short-time working allowance in general.

The related Law entered into force by amending the additional article 2 of the Unemployment Insurance Law dated August 25, 1999 and numbered 4447 ("Unemployment Insurance Law").

With the new regulations;

  • "In order for the insured to be eligible for the short-time working allowance, he/she must have been subject to a service contract for the last 120 days before the short-time working commencement date and must have worked as an insured for at least 450 days in the last three years and paid unemployment insurance premiums."
  • "The short-time working allowance is paid monthly to the insured on the fifth of each month. The Minister of Labor and Social Security is authorised to bring forward the payment date. The short-time working allowance shall not be subject to any tax and deduction except for stamp tax, and no more than one tenth of it may be seized or transferred and assigned to another person, except for alimony debts."
  • "The periods paid as short-time working allowance are deducted from the entitlement periods for unemployment benefit payments to be made based on the termination of the service contract within 3 years from the date of the short-time working."
  • "Overpayments arising from the fault of the insured shall be collected from the insured together with legal interest; overpayments belonging to deceased insured persons shall not be recovered."

These provisions will enter into force on March 1, 2024.

You can access the Official Gazette regarding the subject matter here. (In Turkish)

Should you have any queries or need further details, please contact your customer representative.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Taylan Ege Günel, Category Labor Law

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