Amendments Made to the Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety Training

With the "Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Training for Employees" published in the Official Gazette No. 32832 on March 5, 2025, significant changes have been made to allow occupational health and safety training to be conducted via distance learning.
Within this scope;
- Basic training can be provided remotely in low-risk workplaces:
- In public institutions classified as low-risk and in low-risk workplaces with fewer than 10 employees, both initial and refresher training sessions can now be conducted via distance learning.
- In private low-risk workplaces with 10 or more employees, as well as in hazardous and highly hazardous workplaces, initial training must be conducted face-to-face. However, refresher training may be provided remotely, provided that the content is specifically tailored to the job and workplace and that an appropriate distance learning system is in place.
- Distance learning can be conducted in synchronous or asynchronous formats:
- In public institutions classified as low-risk and in low-risk workplaces with fewer than 10 employees, distance training may be conducted synchronously (live) or asynchronously (pre-recorded).
- In private low-risk workplaces with 10 or more employees, as well as in hazardous and highly hazardous workplaces, distance training sessions may only be conducted synchronously (live).
- Changes to training content:
- In public institutions classified as low-risk and in low-risk workplaces with fewer than 10 employees, basic training content must be tailored specifically to the job.
- In private low-risk workplaces with 10 or more employees, as well as in hazardous and highly hazardous workplaces, the basic training content must be designed according to participants' educational levels and customized to the job and workplace. Elements familiar to employees and specific to their work environment should be incorporated.
These changes came into effect on March 5, 2025, requiring employers, OHS professionals, and training providers to comply with the new regulations.
Planning distance learning processes and preparing workplace-specific training programs are crucial for compliance with the regulation.
You can reach the relevant Official Gazette via that link (In Turkish).