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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Notice for the Legal Obligations in the Month of May 2018

Obligation to Obtain the Tax Plates

The tax plates for the taxpayer workplaces which have been created electronically and transferred to the e-tax offices in accordance with the Corporate / Income Tax Declarations shall be printed until the end of May either by the authorized persons of the entity, by the certified public accountant or by the sworn certified public accountant operating with the entity.

For the workplaces which are obligated to poses tax plates but failed to obtain the new tax plates, will be liable to an administrative penalty fine in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law, in cases where this incompliancy is realized in case of an audit held by the authorities.

The tax payers shall register and create the new tax plates either by logging into the system themselves (if liable to full approval) or with the assistance of their CPAs.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Benefiting From Retrospective SSI Incentives

In the General Assembly, the Article 17 of the "Draft Omnibus Bill" on Law on Making Amendments on Certain Laws has been approved on the date 21.03.2018.

In addition The Omnibus Bill Law on the retrospective benefits from the incentives and relevant supports have been approved and announced on the 30373 numbered Official Gazette dated 27.03. The relevant law will be applicable following the month of acceptance, in other words will be applicable as of May 1, 2018 and will be valid until the end of May 2018.

Within the one-month period as of the announcement date on the Gazette, the workplaces that do not apply for the relevant incentive benefits, will lose the right to obtain the retrospective incentives. There is a foreseen excessive workload on the SSI systems and this might lead to issues with submitting declarations along with heavy trafficing on the systems. Therefore, it is crucial for the workplaces to identify the retrospective incentives that can be benefited, at the soonest.

Author Burcu Özel, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


'The Law on Amendments To Certain Laws With The Intention To Improve The Investment Environment' Has Been Published

The Law numbered 7099 on Amendments to Certain Laws with the Intention to Improve the Investment Environment entered into force upon its publication in the 30356 numbered Official Gazette dated 10 March 2018. The Law numbered 7099 is intended to improve processes in the amended areas along with the reduction of expenses which are paid in this respect.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Turkish Commercial Code


New Regulations Have Been Applied for The Work Permit Application Processes

A new regulation has been implemented for the work permit applications that are conducted through the Ministry of Labor. This regulation is applied for both initial applications and the renewal applications of the currently issued valid work permits.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Labor Law, Immigration Law

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