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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Amendment on the Customs Tax Exemption

There have been some amendments made on the customs tax implementation with the 4458 numbered Decree on Amending the Decree on Implementation of Some Articles of the Customs Law (the “Decree”) which is published on 15.05.2019 dated and 30775 numbered Official Gazette.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Insured Employee Registry When Establishing a Company

2019/10 numbered Circular of the Social Security Institution (“SSI”) has published on 20.05.2019. Previously, under Art. 4/a of the 5510 numbered Law amended on 10.02.2018, workplace registrations were made automatically due to the establishment of companies registered by the registry of commerce even there is no insured employee. From now on, this implementation is widen as being applied to Statement of Employment, with the 2019/10 numbered Circular.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


Notice for the Legal Obligations in the Month of May 2019

Obligation to Obtain the Tax Plates

The tax plates for the taxpayer workplaces which have been created electronically and transferred to the e-tax offices in accordance with the Corporate / Income Tax Declarations shall be printed until the end of May either by the authorized persons of the entity, by the certified public accountant or by the sworn certified public accountant operating with the entity.

For the workplaces which are obligated to poses tax plates but failed to obtain the new tax plates, will be liable to an administrative penalty fine in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law, in cases where this incompliancy is realized in case of an audit held by the authorities.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


New Tax Implementation on Foreign Exchange Transactions

An amendment is made on the banking and insurance transaction tax (“BITT”) ratios for the foreign exchange transactions with the 1106 numbered Presidential Decree (the “Decree”) published on the 15.05.2019 dated and 30775 numbered Official Gazette. According to this, the BITT ratio which was applied as zero on the sale amount of foreign exchange transactions before, is determined as %0.1 as of 15.05.2019. Notwithstanding, BITT sale amount shall be applied as zero for the foreign exchange transactions listed below:

  • The foreign exchanges to be made between banks and/or authorized institutions,
  • Foreign exchange sales made to the Ministry of Treasury and Finance,
  • Foreign exchange sales made to the credit debtor by the bank from which the foreign exchange credit is used or mediated.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Foreign Exchange Legislation

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