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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


2018 Closing Ratifications of General Journals

As it is clearly indicated in the 64th article of Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102; every merchant is liable to keep commercial journals, and expose commercial transactions, financial and fiscal status of the commercial enterprise, debt and credit relations and outcomes obtained in every accounting period in accordance with the related Law.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


New Procedures on Abroad Work Permit Applications

On 17.6.2019, The General Directorate of Workforce within the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services has announced that new amendments have been imposed for work permit applications which are conducted from abroad (outside Türkiye).

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Immigration Law


Special Consumption Tax (OTV) for Junk Vehicles Has Been Increased

Law No. 7176 published in the Official Gazette dated 12/06/2019 and numbered 30799, some amendments have been made to the Law on Revolving Funds numbered 2252, Law No. 7103 and Law No. 6001 on the Services of the General Directorate of Highways.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


The Amendment on the 2016/21 Numbered SSI Circular

According to the SSI Circular No. 2019/12 and dated 21.05.2019, “6.2. Provision of Temporary Disability Allowance Paid to the Insured to Deduct Employer's Premium Debts” paragraph 1 of titled section, “6.7.3. Other Issues with Notification Entry Related to Not Working” paragraph 11 of titled section, “6.8.1. Procedures and Principles Regarding the Issue of Disability Certificate and Workable Certificates” paragraph 3 of this section has been amended.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation

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