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06 March 2023

Union Compensation, Its Scope and Reemployment Lawsuit

Category Work Life

Union Compensation, Its Scope and Reemployment Lawsuit

Trade union freedom of employees is regulated in the Constitution, in the Labor Law and in the Law on Trade Unions and Collective Labour Agreements (In Turkish). Trade union assurance prohibits the assertion of any conditions relating to union membership or non-membership in a particular trade union in the recruitment and dismissal of employees. Besides, it also mandates employers treat union and non-union members equally during the employment period.. For this reason, the employer shall not be able to rely on trade union reasons for the employees both when they are hired and employed or in the termination of their employment contract. The employer's violation of this obligation gives rise to certain legal rights for the employee.

30 January 2023

What is Innovation?

Category Work Life, Technology

What is Innovation?

Innovation can be defined as a creative thought or solution. This concept refers to changes and improvements that aim to make a product or service better. For example, a new method can be developed to increase the performance of a product or service, and this development is called innovation.

The Importance of Innovation

Innovation is a very important concept for an organization. Through innovation, organizations can generate creative ideas and turn them into reality. In this way, they can gain a competitive advantage and expand their market shares. In addition, through innovation, organizations can continually improve themselves and become open to new ideas. This helps them to be more efficient and effective as an organization.

Companies have various options to increase their competitive strength. They can strive for price leadership or follow a differentiation strategy. In both cases, innovation is crucial.

25 November 2022

What is SWOT Analysis? How is SWOT Analysis Performed?

Category Work Life

What is SWOT Analysis? How is SWOT Analysis Performed?

SWOT analysis will enable you to gain an advanced strategic understanding of your business. It is a technique where you can deal with the positive and negative factors in detail about the work you will do or the project to be started while taking important steps for your organization. SWOT consists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis gives you a better understanding of how all these factors can affect the functioning of your organization.

Briefly, SWOT analysis is an analysis study carried out with the aim of creating a plan and strategy for the future as a result of detailed comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats placed in a four-column table.

Why SWOT Analysis is Important?

SWOT analysis enables you to uncover situations that may have negative consequences for your organization's performance and to better understand risky processes. You need to proceed with the SWOT analysis in a careful and systematic manner. In this way, it will provide new information about where your business is positioned in the industry, and it will also help you develop exactly the right strategy for every possible situation.

21 October 2022

What is Incapacity to Work? Under Which Conditions is Temporary Incapacity Allowance (Report Money) Granted?

Category Work Life

What is Incapacity to Work? Under Which Conditions is Temporary Incapacity Allowance (Report Money) Granted?

What is Incapacity to Work?

Incapacity to work; It is the term given for the temporary incapacity to work cases during the rest periods specified in the health reports given by the health institutions authorized by the Social Security Institution (In Turkish), in cases of illness, work accident and maternity of an employee.

What is Incapacity Allowance?

Incapacity to work allowance, it is the allowance paid by the SSI in order to prevent loss of income in cases of work accident, occupational disease, illness and maternity.

10 October 2023

What is Intellectual Capital?

Category Work Life

What is Intellectual Capital?

Intellectual capital refers to all the non-material resources that enable a business to enter the market, excel in competitiveness, and enhance its value. It comprises intangible assets, such as the employees who drive a company's profitability, organizational processes, and other resources. The combination of all knowledge resources that a business can leverage to boost its market value, attract new customers, develop new products, or improve its operations results in intellectual capital. The main constituents of intellectual capital are threefold:

15 June 2022

What is Online Internship? What are the Benefits?

Category Work Life

What is Online Internship? What are the Benefits?

An online internship, also known as a remote internship, is a work experience program that allows students and recent graduates to gain professional or semi-professional experience while working remotely without physically being present at the workplace.

Due to the pandemic, many companies have shifted towards online internships, providing students and recent graduates with the opportunity to work remotely. With the continuous development of digitalization standards, online internships are becoming the new normal.

14 June 2022

What is Personality Inventory and How is it Applied?

Category Work Life

What is Personality Inventory and How is it Applied?

Personality inventory is an assessment tool that analyzes the personal characteristics of job candidates, measures their competencies, and helps guide Human Resources processes. In this context, we have answered the questions regarding why personality inventory is important and how it is applied.

The Purpose of Personality Inventory

To acquire the right talents for the organization, many companies use various psychometric tests to analyze the most suitable candidates for a position.

18 May 2022

What is the Notice Period and Notice Payment?

Category Work Life

What is the Notice Period and Notice Payment?

The notice period refers to the amount of time between the notification of termination intention from either the employee or employer and the actual termination. In this context, we have provided answers to the frequently asked questions regarding when the notice period is not required and what notice payment is.

Under Turkish Labor Law, employment contracts can be terminated in two ways: "Termination of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts" and "Termination of Open-Ended Employment Contracts."

10 May 2022

Terminating Employment Contract Due to Lack of Performance

Category Work Life

Terminating Employment Contract Due to Lack of Performance

Per Turkish Labor Law No. 4857 ("Law"), it is stated that the termination of the indefinite period employment contracts should be based on a valid reason. Some preconditions would need to be met by the employers to terminate an indefinite period contract of an employee due to the lack of performance.

Otherwise, as a result of reemployment lawsuits, the termination could be deemed invalid and the employee could be reemployed.

You can find the details of Article 18 on Turkish Labor Law No. 4857

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