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22 October 2021

SSI Termination Codes

Category Work Life

SSI Termination Codes

The updated termination codes are listed.

22 September 2021

What is Time Management?

Category Work Life

What is Time Management?

Time management is an idea of aiming and achieving your target by using your sources efficiently. It has a great connection with managing the self and other surroundings. Time management skill involves planning the day ahead first and then organizing what to do accordingly. Being able to manage time contributes to the increase of one’s productivity, the completion of the backlog tasks, and personal development. Time management aims to evaluate the time available and do most of the work during this time. Depending on the person's job title or work environment, the tasks must be completed. Time management is about completing tasks within a certain period of time without difficulties.

02 September 2021

Is the Indemnity for Not Re-Engaging to Work Subject to Income Tax?

Category Work Life

Is the Indemnity for Not Re-Engaging to Work Subject to Income Tax?

The Turkish Revenue Administration has published a written opinion letter to clarify the taxation of the indemnity payments paid for the not re-engaging to work of the employee (the opinion letter numbered 64597866-120[25/1]-9209 and dated 07.06.2021.)

02 September 2021

Changes on Business Line Regulations

Category Work Life

Changes on Business Line Regulations

Changes in the Business Line Regulation have been published in the Official Gazette numbered 31585 and dated 01.09.2021.

11 August 2021

Is Saturday Considered as an Annual Leave Day?

Category Work Life

Is Saturday Considered as an Annual Leave Day?

The statements about the weekend holiday are included in Article 46 of the Labor Law No. 4857 as below:

30 July 2021

Algorithmic Transparency Within the Scope of GDPR

Category KVKK - GDPR

Algorithmic Transparency Within the Scope of GDPR

Although GDPR is a text that pursues and adopts the main principles stipulated by Directive 95/46, it has been introduced some regulations to be more compatible with today's requirements intended for the new needs arising from the latest technologies.1 However, the concepts of "consent" and "explicit consent" which are the elements that provide legal legitimacy for the processing of personal data in Directive 95/46, and the terminology that created within the framework of these concepts, continued to be used in the EU General Data Protection Regulation. It is required that consent must "unambiguously" given in Directive 95/46. In case of the processing of personal data, it is stipulated that the condition of explicit consent is required. The conditions for the validity of the consent are also regulated in Article 4 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The elements specified in this Article provide the validity of both types of consent.

29 July 2021

Overtime and Overtime Wage in Turkish Labor Law

Category Work Life

Overtime and Overtime Wage in Turkish Labor Law

What is overtime?

It is necessary to review the weekly working hours in the Labor Law for the concept of overtime.

08 July 2021

Details Regarding the Annual Leave

Category Work Life

Details Regarding the Annual Leave

Using annual leave is a constitutional right of the employees, and the details are regulated in the Labor Law No. 4857.

18 February 2021

Social Security Premium Declaration for Annual Leave Payment

Category Work Life

Social Security Premium Declaration for Annual Leave Payment

Annual Leave Pay at Termination of Employment Contract

Per Article 59 of the Labor Law, "In case the employment contract is terminated for any reason, the rights of the employee and annual leave payments should be paid to the employee or the right holders." Also; According to Article 80 of Law No. 5510; "Wages shall subject to premium by attributing to the month they are deserved."

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