Notice for the Legal Obligations in the Month of May 2019

Obligation to Obtain the Tax Plates
The tax plates for the taxpayer workplaces which have been created electronically and transferred to the e-tax offices in accordance with the Corporate / Income Tax Declarations shall be printed until the end of May either by the authorized persons of the entity, by the certified public accountant or by the sworn certified public accountant operating with the entity.
For the workplaces which are obligated to poses tax plates but failed to obtain the new tax plates, will be liable to an administrative penalty fine in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law, in cases where this incompliancy is realized in case of an audit held by the authorities.
The tax payers shall register and create the new tax plates either by logging into the system themselves (if liable to full approval) or with the assistance of their CPAs.
Notification Obligation of the Foreign – Capital Incorporations and Liaison Offices
Within the scope of the Foreign Direct Investment Law and the “Regulation For İmplementation Of Foreign Direct Investment Law” announced on the Official Gazette dated July 3, 2012 the entities and / or branch offices with foreign capital and the liaison offices shall fill the relevant forms for the activities conducted in 2018 under the regulation, include required supplementary documents in regards and present the file to the General Directorate Of Incentive Practices And Foreign Capital / Ministry of Industry and Technology by May 31, 2019. The relevant declaration of notices shall be prepared by the responsible party’s accountants or the local attorneys.
Old styled forms shall keep being send for Liaison Offices. However, the declarations of foreign capital companies and Türkiye branches of foreign companies must be made online upon the system with competing E-TUYS registrations. Manuel forms shall not be accepted.
Real Estate / Property Tax
Property tax is a kind of tax that needs to be paid by owners of real estate such as land, estates, workplace, houses etc. For the properties owned by deed; The person, in whose name the deed has been issued, is the owner of the property and thus liable to pay for real estate tax.
This tax is paid as two equal installments each year. The first payment is made in March, April, or May and the second payment within November.
The taxpayers shall deposit their payments to the Real Estate Tax Department of their registered municipality. During the payment, if the payment will be made through physical application to the authority, the deed of the real estate is required to be presented. In case the said real estate is outside the city, the payments can be made at the PTT offices. These payments can also be made online via e-municipality system (e-belediye).
Please be advised that the deadline for first payment of the real estate tax is May 31, 2019.
Sanitation Tax
Sanitation tax is collected from the workplaces which uses solid waste collection and sewage system services every year as two installments (May and November). The deadline for the first installment in May 31, 2019.Second installment must be paid until end of November. Debt must be paid through directly applying to the relevant municipality or though the relevant municipality’s online system.
The general definition is as follows:Residences, workplaces and the other buildings which use solid waste collection system are liable to Sanitation Tax inside of municipal boundaries and inside of the municipal adjacent area.
If your tax liability is not open at registered municipality, there is no need to pay for you. This situation does not constitute a problem until the registered municipalities become an obligated tax payer. If the company is an obligated tax payer or the company needs to have a municipality work license, in this case the payment of this tax will be an obligation and debt will be calculated and applied starting from the establishment date of the company. This tax type is obligatory to be paid by all types of companies.
Inheritance Tax
In the case of a death within the first four months of the date of death, for other inherit processes, within the month of the inherit date, for earnings from the contests within the 20th day of the following month the relevant inheritance tax shall be declared.
Once the declaration is submitted and the accrual slip is received, in three years on every May and November, the tax shall be paid in two equal installments.
Legal Obligations in the Month of May - Archive