Activation Procedure for the General Health Insurance Coverage in Türkiye
Under the social security legislation in Türkiye, employees need to apply to the relevant social security institution where their workplace is registered in order to activate their health insurance. Otherwise, they will have to pay for the services received at health institutions. In order to prevent such an undesirable outcome, new as well as terminated employees whose insurance has been deactivated can activate or reactivate their general health insurance online. Foreign employees working with a valid work permit, on the other hand, will have to activate their health coverage by applying in person to the SSI institution where their employer is registered. Otherwise, they will not benefit from health services as an insured employee despite the fact their coverage is paid by their employer.
The below conditions must be met for the employees and their dependents to enjoy general health coverage and other social security rights:
- Completion of 30 paid premium days, for the employees who are registered in SSI for the first time
- For employees re-insured under the SSI system, presence of 30 paid premium days in the previous year.
The below dates are not taken into account in the calculation of the previous year when employees are re-entering the SSI system:
- Time during the voluntary or involuntary military service,
- Time spent under arrest which did not result in sentence,
- Time spent under Temporary disability or maternity or work related accident leave,
- Time spent under strike or lock-out
According to the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law no. 5510, the terminated employees can benefit from the general health insurance for 10 more days if he or she has 30 days of paid premiums in the previous year; or 100 more days (10+90) if he or she has more than 90 days of paid premium days in the previous year calculated retroactively from the termination day.