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Guideline for Recruitment Specialists for Writing Emails

  • “The people you want to reach the most are the ones who, by default, delete e-mails”Seth Godin

The prime goal of a recruitment specialist is to find the candidate who is qualified for the position. The communication process follows after.

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Should Wage Earners File Annual Income Tax Return?

Should Wage Earners File Annual Income Tax Return?

Public administrations and establishments, state-owned economic enterprises, other institutions, trade companies, business partnerships, associations, foundations and economic enterprises of associations and foundations, cooperatives, investment fund managers, traders and self-employed who are obliged to declare their actual revenues, farmers who determine their agricultural earnings on the basis of a balance sheet or an agricultural enterprise account are, when making payments in cash or on account (including those paid in advance) from the wages paid to the employees (service personnel), obliged to apply a withholding to be set off against the income taxes of the right owners of the relevant wages.

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