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Taxation Law


2017 Legal Parameter Changes

Income Tax Exempted Food Allowance

Meal allowance tax exemption amount that is applied as of 1st January 2017 was announced in 296 serial numbered Income Tax General Communique on 27.12.2016 with Official Gazette. According to this announcement, meal allowance, which is provided by the employer outside of the workplace and workplace outbuildings as defined in the Income Tax Law's 23rd Articles, exemption amount is defined as 14.00 TL for 2017.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Taxation Law


New Amendment on Establishing A New Company in Türkiye Announced

Ministry of Customs and Trade has declared a revision on company establishment procedures to fasten the establishment processes since preparing the necessary documents regarding the establishment process requires great amount of time and creates great costs. With the announcement being made on December 12, 2016 on the Official Gazette, the amendment made by the Ministry of Customs and Trade has gone in effect.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


An Amendment To The Legislation Governing Minimum Wage Assistance Has Been Announced

It has been announced in the Official Gazzette numbered 29871 dated 28.10.2016 that Temporary Article 86 has been added to Income Tax Law numbered 193 in order to close the gap for employees registered to social security who have experienced a decrease in net income below the level of 1300.99 TRY as of the month of October 2016 due to increaseing income taxes.

Additionally, the aforementioned Official Gazzette includes details related to the Income Tax Announcement with the serial number 294 and the applications which have come into effect as of 01.10.2016.

Author Burcu Özel, Category Taxation Law


Tax Amnesty in Effect

The Law regarding ‘’The Restructuring of Certain Receivables’’ – also known as Tax Amnesty, which also includes the restructuring of public receivables in many various tax types, has come into effect with the publishing of Official Gazette dated 19th of August 2016. In this framework, we will review the details of this law along with the notification published by Ministry of Finance on 23rd of August 2016.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Taxation Law

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