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Taxation Law


Online Declarations of Payment Recording Devices’ Financial Reports Are Postponed to 01.01.2019

According to the 4th article of General Statement of Tax Procedure Law with item number 483, which was published in the Official Gazette dated 30.09.2017, information pertaining to daily Z reports that are generated by old and new generation cash registers (portable Payment Recording Devices with EFT-POS features are excluded) were required to be declared to Revenue Administration with the effective date 01.10.2018.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Withholding and Premium Return Declaration Is Postponed to July 2019

In accordance with the publication of the Law that was published in the 09.08.2016 dated Official Gazette numbered 29796, it has been announced that the Withholding Tax Return and Monthly Premium & Service Declarations are to be combined under a single return called “Withholding Tax and Premium Service Return”. Within the scope of this announced statement, the single return application was postponed to October 1, 2018 for Türkiye.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


Travel Allowance and Subsistence

Subsistence (Daily Subsistence)

The concepts of travel allowance and subsistence are constantly being confused in our legislation. Although there are very important differences, it is known that SSI premiums are deducted from travel allowance and subsistence is not included in SSI premiums. Below are Mr. Resul Kurt and Mr. Mehmet Maç’s articles on the subject.

As subsistence is included in the Income Tax Law Article 24 which mentions the equivalents of expenses, they are fundamentally a business-related expense and not an allowance provided to an employee. However, they happen to be a benefit and allowance in cases when they are paid in lump sum under the name of daily subsistence and not as an exact and certified travel expense and when partially saved by the employees. The amount beyond the legal degree qualifies as a payment subject to taxation.

Author Selim Tankut Akdağ, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law, Labor Law


The Combination of the Withholding Declaration and the SSI Premium Declaration

Dear Valued Client,

We would like to remind you about a development which will enter into force on October 2018 unless any delay occurs.


Pursuant to the 18/2/2017 dated General Statement on the Withholding Tax Return and Monthly Premium & Service Declarations which is published in the 29983 numbered Official Gazette, it is announced that WITHHOLDING declaration that should be provided due to tax legislation and MONTHLY PREMIUM & SERVICE DECLARATION which should be provided due to 5510 numbered Social Securities and General Health Insurance Law, are to be combined under a single return called “Withholding Tax and Premium Service Return”. Afterward, this transition process is delayed several times because of technological infrastructure and practical difficulties. Most recently, the implementation is extended to the date of 01.10.2018 with the revision on the “General Statement on the Withholding Tax Return and Monthly Premium & Service Declarations” (Item No:1) published within 30345 numbered and 29.05.2018 dated Official Gazette by the Ministry of Finance.

Author Selim Tankut Akdağ, CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law

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