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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Early Retirement: Retroactive Payment of Premiums for Birth And Military Service Periods

Turkish laws and regulations allow the retroactive payment of premiums for childbirth and military service periods for early retirement. The premiums owed as a lump sum for the mentioned periods are calculated based on minimum wage, which will be subject to an increase in July 2015.

It is advised that those who would like to benefit from this option for early retirement apply in June in order to take advantage of the former minimum wage amount and pay favorable rates.

The lowest applicable calculation base is 32% of the current minimum wage; which for June 2015 is 384,48 – for 30 days. With the upcoming increase in minimum wage in July, this amount will raise up to 407.52.

As a result, a retroactive premium payment for 24 months for childbirth, calculated from the lowest base, as 9.222,52 TL in June will be 9.780,48TL in July, a whopping increase of 552,00 TL. Likewise, a retroactive premium payment for 18 months for military service amounting to 6.920,64 TL will increase to 7.335,36 TL in July.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


Supreme Court of Türkiye Annuls Provision which Excludes Navigation on the High Seas for ships engaged in Maritime Transportation from Workplace Health and Safety Law

Article II (2) e of the Work Place Health and Safety Law which excludes navigation on the high seas for ships engaged in maritime transportation from the scope of the law has been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Courts for violating the constitutional right to life, work and the principles of social state in a decision dated 11/06/2015, published in the official gazette no. 29383.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Occupational Health and Safety Law


Supreme Court of Türkiye Annuls One Year Ban on Work Permit Reapplication of Foreigners

Article 14.d of the Law on Foreign Work Permits which prevents work permit applicants to reapply to the same workplace for a duration of one year if their initial application was denied has been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Türkiye in a unanimous decision dated 21/05/2015.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Immigration Law


Regulation on Tax-Free Childbirth Support

cott-group-semsiye Regulation on Tax-Free Childbirth Support has been published in the Official Gazette on 23/05/2015. Below is a summary on the scope and application of the regulation.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Social Security Law and Legislation

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