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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


E-TUYS Period Has Started for Foreign Capital Companies on Document Delivery

On June 01, 2018, certain amendments were made to the “Implementation Regulation of the Foreign Direct Investment Law” as well as to the procedures and principles to be applicable to the issues within the scope of the Law.

By virtue of the amendments, manually submitting documents in printed forms which are to be delivered to the Ministry of Economy by the foreign capital companies and branches covered by the Foreign Direct Investment Law has been terminated. During the period hereafter, the documents to be submitted shall be delivered only electronically through E-TUYS (the web based portal managed by the Ministry of Economy, General Directorate of Incentive Implementation and Foreign Investment).

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


Withholding And Premium Return Declaration Has Been Postponed To Be in Effect As of October 2018

In accordance with the publication of the Law that was published in the 09.08.2016 dated Official Gazette numbered 29796 it has been announced that the Withholding Tax Return and Monthly Premium & Service Declarations are to be combined under a single return called “Withholding Tax and Premium Service Return”.

On the date of 29.05.2018, the Ministry of Finance has announced a revision on the 30345 numbered Official Gazette in regard to the “General Statement on the Withholding Tax Return and Monthly Premium & Service Declarations” (item number: 4)

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


Reconstruction of Social Security And Tax Debts Are in Force

The Law regarding "The Restructuring of Certain Receivables" – also known as Tax Amnesty, which also includes the restructuring of public receivables in many various tax types, has come into effect with the publishing of Official Gazette dated 18th of May 2018. Details in regards are to be provided with the provisions which are expected to be announced by the relevant authorities and institutions.

In general terms; the regulations have been made towards specified receivables, unascertained receivables or receivables in the case before the courts, taxes under investigation, tax base increase and inventory and record corrections. You can find further details on the receivables and the reconstruction applications of such receivables in detail below to this informative article.

  1. The Receivables Subject to Restructuring
    • Taxes and tax penalties within the scope of the Tax Procedure Law.
    • Customs taxes and administrative fines
    • Insurance premiums and fines
    • All kinds of interest, fee, late interest, late fee, delay penalty regarding these receivables that are restructured within the scope of this law.
  2. The Respective Authorities that are concerned with the Receivables subject to Restructure Applications
    • Ministry of Finance
    • Ministry of Customs and Trade
    • Municipalities
    • Social Security Institutions
    • Other Institutions (Directorate General of Highways, Radio & Television Supreme Council, Immigrations and Civil Registry Offices, etc.)

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Social Security Law and Legislation, Taxation Law


Notice for the Legal Obligations in the Month of May 2018

Obligation to Obtain the Tax Plates

The tax plates for the taxpayer workplaces which have been created electronically and transferred to the e-tax offices in accordance with the Corporate / Income Tax Declarations shall be printed until the end of May either by the authorized persons of the entity, by the certified public accountant or by the sworn certified public accountant operating with the entity.

For the workplaces which are obligated to poses tax plates but failed to obtain the new tax plates, will be liable to an administrative penalty fine in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law, in cases where this incompliancy is realized in case of an audit held by the authorities.

The tax payers shall register and create the new tax plates either by logging into the system themselves (if liable to full approval) or with the assistance of their CPAs.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law

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