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Legislation - CottGroup Holistic Business Services


Military and Birth Loans Shall Be Made Through E-Devlet System

18.03.2019 dated and 4299189 numbered SSI General Letter on “Receiving Military and Birth Loan Demands Through E-Devlet System” has published.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


4B Incapacity to Work Report Disabled Declaration Shall Be Made Through E-Devlet

A temporary incapacity payment is made for the insurant under the Art. 4 and clause 1/b (Bağkur) of the 5510 numbered Social Insurances and General Health Insurance Law for the period in which they did not work with the provision of obtaining a resting report in case of a work accident, occupational illness and motherhood, according to the Art. 18 of the law.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Social Security Law and Legislation


The Discount Duration for VAT and Special Consumption Tax Is Extended Until the End of 2019

A discount was provided for some good deliveries’ VAT, Special Consumption Tax (“SCT”) and title deed fees to be applied between 31.10.2018 – 31.12.2018 with the 287 numbered Presidential Decree which is published on 31.10.2018 dated and 30581 numbered repetitive Official Gazette. Afterwards, the Presidential Decrees with the number of 535, 540 and 541 has regulated that this discount duration for some good deliveries’ VAT, SCT and Title Deed Fee shall be extended for 3 months until 31.03.2019.

Author Selma Kıy, Category Taxation Law


2019/07 SSI Circular Regarding the Salary and Premium Support

The Article 8 of the 7166 numbered Law on Amending Social Services Law and Other Laws which is published on the 22.02.2019 dated and 30694 numbered Official Gazette, has made an addition to the Art. 19 of the 4447 numbered Law on Unemployment Insurance as follows:

In case the ones who are employed between 01/02/2019 – 30/04/2019 as an addition to the number of insurant on a month of which at least insurance declaration is made of the long-term insurance branches under clause 1/(a) of the art. 4 of 5510 numbered Law with monthly premium and service document in 2018 January – December period, shall be employed for nine months period as of the employment date without termination of the labor contract with a valid reason, the amount that is found with multiplying the premium support and premium payment date number for three months period including the date of employment with 67,36-TL, shall be provided to the employer as a support. This salary support to the employer shall be set off from the debts to Social Security Institution.

Author CottGroup Hukuk ve Mevzuat Ekibi, Category Social Security Law and Legislation

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