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Nevşehir Municipality Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) Awareness Seminar

Nevşehir Belediyesi KVKK Farkındalık Semineri
Nevşehir Belediyesi KVKK Farkındalık Semineri
Nevşehir Belediyesi KVKK Farkındalık Semineri

We have conducted a seminar where our CEO Selim T. Akdağ was the keynote speaker. The seminar presented to the municipality staff was regarding "Personal Data Protection Law" which is in force in Türkiye, aiming to raise awareness on the law and the implications of the law.

In order to adapt with the fast paced digital world which constantly adapted to newly released technologies, the Nevşehir Municipality also informed and enlightened its staff with the "KVKK Awareness Training".

The aim was not only focused on the right of privacy, but to find a collaborative approach on raising an awareness for the municipality in general for conducting the services provided to the fellow citizens, within the scope of the data protection regulations and managing, processing personal according to the rules and procedures demanded by the law.

Within the scope of the program, the attendees were provided with in depth information on definition of Personal Data, why personal data shall be protected, the relevant law, KVKK and surrounding legislations, key actors defined in the Law, rights of the Data Subject, Administrative Responsibilities along with the the technical and administrative measures and required developments in order to have compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK).