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CottGroup® took part in the summit of legal principles for the Employment of Foreign Nationals, with the speech of ceo - Selim Tankut Akdağ regarding shadow payrolls.

speech regarding the difficulties of processing shadow payrollCottGroup® CEO Selim Tankut Akdağ has made speech regarding the difficulties of processing shadow payroll at the Summit of Legal Principles for the Employment of Foreign Nationals according to Draft Law Regarding Permit Processes, Labor Law and Health and Safety.

The summary of the speech:

The companies can be required to process shadow payrolls for the foreign employees in Türkiye, within the framework of avoidance of double-taxation treaty and bilateral social security agreements. The taxes, that the company is obliged to pay and the invoices that can be issued to Türkiye from abroad, are crucial in these calculations. The hardships in the access to required information, insufficient knowledge of local regulations and the mistakes in law interpretations can complicate the calculation of shadow payroll, which is already complex.

The mistakes in interpretations and inaccurate cost reflections from abroad might result in the foreign employee's tax base to be calculated as higher or lower than the real value.

Hence, it is required to constitute a consistent basis for the taxation of the foreign employee, to harmonize the local payroll regulation and the applications used abroad, to update the system of calculation in accordance with the new regulations and rates, to test the consistencies of information, to ensure the accurate and regular flow of data from abroad and to ensure the incorporation of all salary and similar kinds of payments made to the bank account of the employee

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